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Buy Safer Caterpillar Killer Concentrate With B.t., 16 oz

Regular price $11.75 USD
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Buy Safer Bt for Sale

Are you tired of caterpillars killing your plants? Of course, you are; the losses are huge. 

Maybe you’ve tried several ways to eliminate the bugs, but the methods prove ineffective. Or perhaps you’re afraid of using some chemicals because they might harm your health. After all, you don’t want cancer. No one does!

So, how do you ensure you eradicate pests, maintain product quality and safeguard your health? You might opt for natural products such as neem oil, liquid soap, or diatom earth. But you’ll soon discover that this approach creates other problems.

First, the plant’s parts will look terrible to customers if you farm cannabis. And you don’t want to scare off customers with white leaves because of the diatom. Appearances matter.

So, it would be best if you had a fail-proof pesticide that works as soon as you apply it. Because the faster you kill the caterpillars, armyworms, tomato fruit worms, or cabbage looper worms, the more yield you’ll get. Wouldn’t this be a wise investment? It would.

You’ll get all those benefits with safer bt, a product that supports organic farming. This invention eradicates worms quickly, in less than 10 minutes, and at five times the efficiency.

So, no more disappointments after a lot of hard work. Only great results and the compensation you deserve. 

The best part is that you’ll kill the annoying bugs effortlessly while preserving the earthworms, bees, and birds. These creatures promote soil fertility, plant flourishing, and a better yield. Consequently, you’ll also be taking care of the environment with this product.

Experts recommend adding three tablespoons per gallon and spraying all the plant parts. Use a hand sprayer for effective application on the leaves and stems. And nothing can stop you from having your best harvest yet. 

Kill caterpillars and other worms with safer bt now!

Safer™ Brand Caterpillar Killer II with B.t. (Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki) is an effective organic solution for caterpillar and worm control.

Caterpillar Killer II kills worms and caterpillar stage insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects, such as honeybees and ladybugs, when used as directed. Worms and caterpillars eat treated foliage then immediately stop feeding and damaging plants.

Effective for: corn earworm, bollworm, armyworm, diamondback moth, green cloverworm, hornworms, loopers, melonworm, pickleworm, tomato fruitworm, tobacco budworm, salt marsh caterpillar, mimosa webworm, and imported cabbageworm.